Your gift changes the future 

Your life story is a journey of moments, memories, and milestones. Through a gift in your will, you will continue a legacy that will continue to create positive changes for others. 

Leaving a gift in your will is a simple yet profound way to express your commitment to making the world a better place. It's a reflection of your values, priorities, and the mark you wish to leave on the world. Your generosity will create ripple effects that extend far beyond your lifetime, leaving a legacy that shines brightly for generations to come. 

Your gift, of even a small percentage of your estate, makes a difference to the lives of others for years to come. Thank you!

Your gift means the world to the people we serve

At Life Without Barriers, we are honored to be part of the journeys of tens of thousands of people in more than 500 communities across Australia. In 2023, with the help of over 2,500 volunteers, we were able to impact on the lives of 24,000 people.


Below are some of the questions that you may have about leaving a gift in your will.  Please reach out to us at 1800 935 483 or and we’ll happily answer your questions. 

What is a gift in will? 

A bequest, or a gift in will, is a donation left to the charity of your choice, as outlined in your Will. 

What is the correct wording to use for leaving a gift in my will? 

To leave a gift in your will, your solicitor or advisor requires:  

  • our name - Life Without Barriers and  

  • ABN 15 101 252 171  

  • and your instruction about the type of gift you wish to bequest. 

More information is outlined in the Advisor Information

But I don’t need a will yet, do I? 

More and more, people are realising that having a will is important at any age. It is your peace-of-mind statement, knowing how you want your assets distributed. 

I don’t have much money to give, is a gift in my will still suitable for me? 

Absolutely! It is not about the size of a gift but the generosity of spirit in which it is given. Any size gift will help change the lives of some of the people and communities Life Without Barriers supports.

What type of gift do people make? 

Gifts vary. Most commonly, we receive ‘residual gifts,’ which are a percentage of an estate that is gifted after all debts have been paid and all monies distributed to loved ones. We also receive specific sums of money. It is also possible to leave a gift in other forms such as: 

  • Property 

  • Shares 

  • Art or other items 

If you would like to consider these, we recommend that you speak with your estate planner or legal advisor. 

How do I make or change my will? 

We encourage discussing your will and how you might distribute assets first with your loved ones and your advisor. 

Wills can be changed and updated at any time. 

Who do I need to tell about my gift in will? 

That’s up to you. We encourage anyone who makes a gift in their will to consider discussing their wishes with those close to them. It can help others understand your intention, why it’s important to you, and your decision to create a legacy. 

Do I need to tell Life Without Barriers that I have left a gift in my will? 

If you choose to leave a gift in your Will we’d love to be able to thank you personally. We also appreciate that some prefer not to share this information with us. 

Our commitment to you

We make sure that each gift is used to assist those in need best. We value your kindness and generosity and reciprocate that by recognising its importance.  We promise you that: 

  • We will use your gift so as to maximise its impact. 

  • We will report on gifts every year and share stories of how they change the lives of people and communities that we support. 

  • We provide audited statements in our Annual Report that demonstrate our transparency and accountability. 

Contact us

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Life Without Barriers in your will. We would love to talk with you and discuss some of the options available. For further information you are welcome to download the Information Guide or get in touch with us below.