Specialist housing solutions offering great accessibility, location, comfort and support to live independently.

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation? 

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is specifically designed or modified existing housing for people with very high support needs.  

SDA includes special features that can help you live as independently as possible and have better access to supports in your home. For example, you might need a home with reinforced ceilings so you can get a ceiling hoist installed, wide doorways or ramps. 

About our SDA homes 

At Life Without Barriers, we have access to wide range of SDA properties for people with very high support needs including: 

  • Houses 

  • Apartments  

  • Villas/duplexes/townhouses 

  • Larger houses  

Life Without Barriers has SDA homes where you can live on your own, or with housemates if you prefer. We will work closely with you to find the right home and housemates if you are sharing with others.   

There are 5 types of Specialist Disability Accommodation known as the SDA Design Categories. They include: 

  1. Basic 

  2. Improved Liveability 

  3. Fully Accessible 

  4. High Physical Support 

  5. Robust

Visit our SDA design categories page for more detail.

How does support work in our Specialist Disability Accommodation properties?

At Life Without Barriers, we offer choice and control over who supports you in your home.  

You might use Supported Independent Living (SIL) funds to cover support in your home from someone like your Support Worker. Or, you might have Individual Living Options (ILO) funding in your NDIS plan to pay for the people that support you.  

Another support option available in some of our SDA properties, is onsite shared supports where you can share supports with other residents in the complex.

You can also use daily living supports, sometimes known as in-home supports, in some of our SDA houses.  The choice is yours! 

Where and how we deliver Specialist Disability Accommodation 

Life Without Barriers SDA properties are available in every state and territory in wonderful locations to suit lots of different lifestyles.  

Whether you are looking for a vibrant city apartment, or a laid-back country or coast home, we can help.  

See our vacancies.  

Who will deliver the service? 

Life Without Barriers is a NDIS registered SDA provider in the ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA. 

We own and manage SDA properties as well as partner with innovative SDA housing providers to offer a wide range of specialist designed housing options to suit everyone's needs.  

How do I access Specialist Disability Accommodation funding? 

 Specialist Disability Accommodation funding from the NDIS is money towards the actual home for you to live in i.e., the bricks and mortar.  

The NDIA will assess your SDA application and determine which category of home is right for you based on your individual disability support needs.   

For example, you may need a robust dwelling (design category) that is a two-bedroom apartment in Melbourne, Victoria.  

Remember, at any stage in your journey towards securing funding and finding a home, Life Without Barriers can help answer any questions.  

Is this service in my NDIS plan?  

You need to have a NDIS plan with approval for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding or payments.  

SDA will be funded separately to Supported Independent Living in your NDIS plan, as a Capital Support. 

Find out how we can help with SDA

Speak to one of our dedicated team about Specialised Disability Accomodation (SDA) services