For young people with disability, finding the right job can be tough. That’s why our Young People’s Employment Pathways provides you with the experience, knowledge and confidence to increase your work ready skills to find a job that’s right for you! We offer School Leavers Employment Supports; a NDIS funded Capacity Building support designed to support young people transitioning from school to employment.

What is Young People’s Employment Pathways?

Young People’s Employment Pathways (YPEP) is a service offered by Life Without Barriers that supports young people with disability across New South Wales and Western Australia to gain skills and experience and to find meaningful employment.

Our program offers a flexible and individualised support service. Our trained team members are here to support you in building the confidence and skills you need to prepare for working life. They will work with you to develop a plan that is unique to your skills, interests and goals.

Attend a Webinar on YPEP

Find out if this service is right for you by attending one of our information webinars. These sessions explain how Young People's Employment Pathways works and our employment coaches can answer any questions you have.

Upcoming webinars:

New South Wales

Western Australia

For more information or if you are unable to attend either of these sessions, please email us at or fill in the form below.

How can YPEP help support me?

Our Employment Pathways team support young people with disability, aged 15+ who are at school or have recently left school.

  • We work with you to explore what you enjoy doing, how you feel about starting work and what support you need or would like.

  • We undertake a discovery process with you, to get to know you better, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, goals and current skills to co-design an employment pathway plan that is unique to you.

This plan may include activities like:

  • Identifying jobs/courses you are interested in

  • Building confidence and communication skills

  • Writing a resume

  • Preparing for interviews

  • Travel to and from work or study

  • Specific job skills training (endless options!)

  • Find work experience in jobs that interest you

  • Finding a job, traineeship, or apprenticeship

  • Developing your own micro business

  • Exploring training or further study options

  • On-the-job support

  • Linking in with other support services and so much more!

How do I know what pathway is right for me?

Every journey into employment is different. You might be ready to jump straight into work or study, or you might need extra support to develop your work skills and confidence. Our Employment Pathways Team will talk you through all the various options available and support you every step of the way.

Am I eligible through the NDIS?

To be eligible for School Leaver Employment Supports you need to be the following:

  • At or have recently left school

  • Aged 15 years or older

  • Have an active NDIS plan or are eligible for NDIS support

  • Have identified employment-related goals in your NDIS plans

  • Need employment-related support to develop confidence and work-ready skills, SLES is funded under Capacity Building (Finding and Keeping a Job) in NDIS Plans.

Image: A young man wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt is using a wheelchair and has books on his lap.

Why choose us?

Life Without Barriers has been supporting people with disability and their families for almost 30 years. We are working to break down barriers to employment for people with disability and promote equal opportunity for all.

Our unique partnership and national reach enable us to offer you:

  • Co-designed individualised pathways to employment

  • Work experience and job placement opportunities

  • Further education support

  • A seamless transition to Disability Employment Service Provider (DES) of your choice

What are the benefits of finding and keeping a job?

  • Financial independence

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Improved wellbeing

  • New connections and friends

Image: Three young adults with disability are standing outside. They are tending to a vegetable patch.

What is next?

For a unique and personalised employment service, contact your Young People’s Employment Pathways team today! If you have submitted your enquiry within business hours, we aim to be back in contact with you within the same day