Foster care
Carer guide
How we support you
CARE and being a member of a team

CARE and being a member of a team

Working towards the best interests of children and families is a core goal of the CARE model – and it takes all of us working together as a team.

Teamwork doesn’t mean everyone will always agree. There will be different views. Applying the CARE principles helps team members communicate and interact respectfully, keeping focused on the best interests of children.

You will work closely with your LWB care team and children’s families. Almost all children in care are in the legal guardianship of the relevant state or territory child protection authority. Care teams also include staff from agencies, organisations and individuals in the community.

Some care team members, such as carers and family members, are closely involved in children’s lives over time, while others, such as doctors or teachers, may only be involved for a short time. The intention and purpose of the care team is to care for and help children – keeping their needs at the centre.

Children are also part of their care team. How children participate depends on their wishes and their age. It is easier for children’s views to be heard when they have trusting relationships with you and others, including family members. Children may not share their views with adults they don’t trust.

It is part of your role to help children participate, and to advocate for children if needed.

It can be challenging to work in a team, especially when children have high and complex needs and when there are different views and perspectives. You are an important member of our care team. Talk to your LWB care team if you need support.

Your role on the care team

Your most important role is to provide a safe, caring and stable home for children in care, and to form relationships with children and their families.

You will work with other care team members to do this. You will participate in case planning and carry out many of the activities that the care team agree are needed.

Your role may vary depending on your ongoing role in children’s lives. For example, if you are caring for children who are returning to their family your role will be to support families as they resume the day to day care of their children. This might mean attending family visits and supporting a consistent and supportive transition home for children.

You can find related information in Who might be on your care team

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website