Carer responsibilities
As a carer it is your responsibility to provide
- a caring, safe and normal home life
- emotional care where children feel cared for and valued
- education, training and employment opportunities for children
- support to engage in physical activity and recreation
- encouragement of learning and achievement
- positive guidance to manage pain based behaviours
- health and therapeutic services
- support to maintain family relationships
- a positive view of children's families and significant others
You are also responsible for
- ensuring information is kept confidential
- being an active member of the care team
- assisting in Life Story Work
- safeguarding children's records and property
- providing care appropriate to any special needs
We will provide you with more information about standards of care in your state or territory and roles and responsibilities for carers .
Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website