Foster care
Carer guide
Who can decide?
Performances, photography & broadcast

Performances, photography & broadcast

Children in care should be encouraged and supported to participate in positive experiences and activities, including those covered by the media such as spelling bees, choir performances or sports days. Sometimes, special conditions or consents might be required. If you are in any doubt, check with your care team.

Public performances and media

You can give permission for children to participate in public performances and activities covered by the media, but you must be sure they are not identified in the media as “being in out-of-home care”. Talk to your care team about any request to publish or broadcast photographs, film or anything that identifies a child as being in care, including publishing the names of their parents.

It's very important

  • That there are no safety risks or breaches of the law with the appearance of the child
  • It’s in the best interests of the child to appear in the media
  • Their personal history is not broadcast or published

In all situations, consider the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the child first. Don’t give out information that discloses their whereabouts if this information is protected. There is a risk that the publication or broadcast of identifying information may alert inappropriate people to the location of the child. Talk to your care team if you are in doubt.


You don’t require consent for children to appear in a school photo, sports team photo or home video if it’s for personal use.

See the links below to your state or territory based carer resource for more information.

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website