
Day-to-day travel

Organising, providing and paying for day-to-day transport for the child in your care is part of your role. This includes transport to school, activities, general medical appointments, dental visits and case planning meetings.

Do you need approval for travel with a child in your care?

Type of travel Approval required Things to consider
Travel within your State/Territory No - But if the travel interferes with schooling or family time talk to your care team. Tell your care team if you are going to be away overnight.
Interstate travel No – for day trips. Yes – if you are planning to stay overnight or longer. Talk to your care team. They will talk to the relevant statutory authority about consent.
Overseas travel Yes – you need approval before taking a child in care overseas. Talk to your care team early so they can consider the reasons for travel, views of the child and their family, impact on the child’s routine, financial arrangements etc.

Holidays and family time

When planning holidays remember the child in your care is now part of your family. Always include them in your plans. When planning holidays try to avoid disruption to time they spend with their family.

Applying for a passport

It can take longer than normal to apply for a passport for a child in care. To avoid delays and disappointment, let your care team know well in advance if you’re planning to travel overseas.

See the links below to your state or territory based carer resources for more information.

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website