To meet the long-term needs of a child in care, a relative, kinship carer or foster carer may apply to become a guardian through an application to the Children’s Court for guardianship order. Guardianship carers offers children stability and permanency while still maintaining ties to their family.

Why do children need this type of care?

Guardianship orders are made in the Children’s Court when there is no realistic possibility of the child returning to the care of their parents. Once the guardianship order is made, the long-term health, education, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs of the child will be met by the guardian without the involvement of an agency such as Life Without Barriers. Children in care will always have a connection to their family and it is essential that guardian carers help strengthen these connections by arranging and coordinating safe contact between the child and their family, according to the court orders.

Duration of care

Permanent care until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Are you ready to become a foster carer?

Speak to one of our dedicated team about starting your journey to becoming a foster carer today