18 April 2023
Life Without Barriers welcomes the six key areas of systemic reform to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced by The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, with a particular focus on improvements and changes to the operation of Supported Independent Living (SIL).
The NDIS has proven to be the largest reform in the provision of disability services for the past several decades and ignited a shift towards enabling choice and control for people with disability over the services they need.
Whilst the scheme has offered immeasurable benefit to many, Life Without Barriers acknowledges the Minister’s commitment that the scheme requires further transformation for the future if it is to truly to deliver the life changing choice and opportunity it intends.
Life Without Barriers has provided disability services for over 25 years and to NDIS participants since 2014. Life Without Barriers currently supports around 5,000 people with disability each year.
As one of Australia’s largest providers of Supported Independent Living, we acknowledge and welcome the Minister’s commitment to reform for these services. Life Without Barriers is committed to contributing to positive change and ensuring there is genuine choice driving housing and support options for people with disability.
Work is underway within Life Without Barriers to ignite new potential models of home and living, driven by individual consultation with each person with disability choosing our services. We are committed to ensuring people with disability and their families lead the design of home and living options for the future.
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