Life Without Barriers' commitment to keeping our staff and the people we support safe.

In order to safeguard the health of our staff and the people we support, Life Without Barriers has committed to providing Additional Support Leave for casual, part-time and full-time front -line staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This will give front-line staff the confidence that they will have access to paid leave if they are unable to attend work due to contracting COVID-19 or a related illness; are required to self-quarantine; or are required to care for or support a family member.
Life Without Barriers acknowledges the dedication of our front-line staff, especially at this time, and is taking this extra measure to keep our staff, clients and the extended community safe.
By providing front-line staff with Additional Support Leave, Life Without Barriers aims to ensure that front-line staff remain physically and mentally well, and can continue to provide exceptional care to the people we support – including older Australians and people with disability.
Additional Support Leave will be available to all Life Without Barriers front-line staff who work directly with clients. It will be paid to staff who have no access to personal/carers leave (casual staff) or who have accrued insufficient personal/carers leave (part-time or full-time staff).