Alliance20, a collective of the largest disability providers in Australia, met in Canberra to talk through ways the sector can continue to encourage a strong and healthy NDIS for people with disability.

Life Without Barriers is a founding member of the Alliance and over the past three years has worked in partnership across the sector to identify key areas and offer solutions for a better NDIS. In sessions with the National Disability Insurance Agency, Minister Reynolds and others, the Alliance shared 8 key issues that the sector has identified as needing strengthening in order for the NDIS to prosper for people with disability.
Minister Reynolds spoke of the importance of collaboration between Government and service providers. The Minister acknowledged the role and leadership of Alliance20 organisations during the COVID pandemic and the positive outcomes achieved for people with disability through partnering.
The Minister and Alliance CEOs then worked through specific ideas and recommendations that Government and the sector can work together on to improve how the NDIS operates for participants nationally.
Key areas of discussion included:
Workforce development
Housing and employment of people with disability
Covid Recovery
Services for people in rural and remote areas
Chris Chippendale, Executive Lead Disability Engagement said, “It was an excellent two days together, with valuable and engaging sessions with the Minister of the NDIA, Hon. Linda Reynolds; the new NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commissioner, Ms Tracy Mackey and senior staff from the NDIA."
"This has been a great occasion for the group of Alliance20 CEOs to catch up with some inspiring individuals and have meaningful conversation on the priorities to make the NDIS better."
"All the leaders in this group did a terrific job skilfully guiding the conversations and seeking opportunities to constructively bring forward engagement with the NDIA for the benefit of people with disability in receipt of our services who deserve the best opportunities from the scheme.”
The Alliance20 will continue to meet with Government in the lead up to the Federal Election, offering insight and guidance about ways to support participants of the NDIS and the strength of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.