A state of Fire Emergency remains in place for New South Wales and Queensland. We urge everyone in areas of risk to exercise extreme caution and safety over the coming days.

If you live in Queensland, please keep track of updates from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.
If you live in New South Wales, please keep track of updates from the NSW Rural Fire Service.
Call 000 if any lives are in danger - To make a relay call through the National Relay Service contact the NRS and ask for the number you want to call.
TTY users, call:
106 – emergency calls
1800 555 727 and ask for 000 – emergency calls
Advice from Queensland Fire Services
Listen to your local radio station or visit the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website for regular updates.
If you have a bushfire survival plan, finalise it now so you are ready to follow it.
If you do not have a bushfire survival plan, or if your plan is to leave, identify where you will go if you leave the area.
Advise family and friends of your plan.
Close windows and doors to minimise smoke exposure.
If you suffer from a respiratory condition, keep your medication close by.
Drive with caution in low visibility conditions.
Contact your neighbours to see if they need help preparing for the bushfire.
Pack important documents and essential items (e.g. passports, birth certificates, prescription medication, food and water, and protective clothing) in case you need to leave the area.
Put on protective clothing (e.g. a long-sleeved cotton shirt, boots with thick soles).
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Bring pets inside; restrain them with a leash, a cage, or inside a secure room; and provide them with plenty of water.
Take action to protect your livestock.
Move flammable materials such as doormats, wheelie bins, and outdoor furniture away from your house.
Fill containers such as your bath, sinks, and buckets with water so you have access to drinking water and firefighting water.
Close windows and doors, sealing the gaps under doors and screens with wet towels to keep smoke out of the house.
Keep up to date by:
Following QFES on Facebook (QldFireandEmergencyServices) and Twitter (@QldFES)
Follow NSWRFS on Facebook (NSW Rural Fire Service) and Twitter (@NSWRFS)
Staying tuned to your local radio station.
Find your local ABC radio station and your local commercial radio station here.
Further information:
For bushfire preparation tips, visit the RFS website
For information about road closures, call 13 19 40.
Maintaining health during bushfires NSW