Foster and Kinship Carer Week encourages us to take the time to pay tribute to the amazing work carers do every day.

This year, particularly in the past six months, we are also acknowledging the extraordinary way carers have risen to the challenges of keeping children and young people safe through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Carers have shown remarkable agility, resilience and determination as they have continued to act as role models to children in their care.
And in addition to their role as carers, in many cases carers have had to adapt to the extra challenge of supporting children to learn from home. This contribution to ensuring the continuity of education for the kids in their care goes a long way to help improve outcomes in the educational inequalities for children in care.
Normally, we’d come together with carers at the national conference, but like many events, this annual event has been postponed until June 2021 - due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Nevertheless, this won’t stop us from recognising their unending commitment to children and young people in their care.
We extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all our carers for going well above the call of duty and in the face of adversity. Thank you for your continued commitment to ensure positive outcomes for the young people you care for at home, at school and for their future hopes and dreams.
Over the course of this week we will be showcasing the remarkable work of our carers on our website, on social media and in our carer newsletter, as well as a range of local events, where possible, held in the various jurisdictions. Make sure you find time during the week to acknowledge the great work a carer you know does to ensure children and young people have the best possible outcomes every day.