There was a wonderful turnout by our Darwin team and clients in the Northern Territory for events during NAIDOC week, 8 – 15 November.

Image: Larrakia Elder Richard Fejo performing the saltwater ceremony
In particular, the Darwin team members were honoured to have the opportunity to take part in a saltwater ceremony at Lake Alexander led by Larrakia Elder Richard Fejo. Richard is a saltwater man born and raised in Darwin. His Dad's family are Larrakia and his Mum comes from Warramungu country, near Tennant Creek.
The ceremony took place at the edge of Lake Alexander, a saltwater lake in the heart of Larrakia land, where each member of the team was invited to enter the water.
Richard performed the ceremony by mingling the sweat from our bodies with saltwater, connecting us with the elders so they may recognise and protect us on Larrakia land.

Richard’s take-home message for everyone during NAIDOC Week:
"In the spirit of inclusiveness, make reconciliation part of your everyday language."
A big thank you to the Larrakia people for welcoming some of the team onto your land.