Children are our most precious treasure and it’s heartbreaking that more than 30,000 are abused or neglected every year in Australia.

As a community, we have a great responsibility to make sure their safety comes first. When we see a child who could be in harm’s way or whose parents aren’t coping, it’s critical that we take action.
National Child Protection Week, which occurs on 1-7 September this year, was established as a platform to engage the community to take action by creating safe and nurturing environments for children. This year’s theme, child development, reinforces the fundamental truth: children thrive when parents are supported.
Most parents love their children and are doing their best but are struggling with a number of issues outside their control. By supporting them through these difficult periods, stability - which is essential to a child’s wellbeing - can be restored and maintained. Sometimes this may mean trusting their child’s care to organisations like Life Without Barriers while they work through their issues.
Our foster and kinship carers play a really important supporting role by providing that stability and surrounding children with love and support during the time they can’t be with their parents.
If you’d like to open your heart to a child in need, consider becoming a foster carer. Find out more about becoming a foster carer, or call 1300 592 227.
At Life Without Barriers, the wellbeing of children is our greatest concern. Ensuring children are well cared for, supported and protected from sexual and physical abuse is an absolute, non-negotiable priority.