This page provides information for people in our disability services, their families and support networks about how we’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Latest news - 8 February 2022
Update for Disability Services
Access to COVID-19 booster vaccinations
COVID-19 booster vaccinations are now available for people aged 16 years and over who have already had two primary doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. A booster dose is recommended to maximise protection against becoming severely unwell from COVID-19. As such, we encourage all people with disability to receive a booster vaccination, if it is safe for them to do so.
Life Without Barriers is working with the Australian Government’s appointed vaccine providers to roll-out the in-reach booster vaccination program for people with disability within our residential services.
Additionally, we are supporting residents to access other vaccination services sooner, such as through their GP, local pharmacy, Commonwealth disability vaccination clinic and state or territory vaccination clinics.
The Department of Health has released an easy read resources about COVID-19 booster dose program, which is available here: Fact sheet about booster doses
Life Without Barriers supports the National COVID-19 vaccine roll-out strategy
Life Without Barriers welcomes the Government’s National COVID-19 Vaccine roll-out Strategy, prioritising essential workers and people with disability. It is a relief to know that their health is being recognised.
We support over 1,400 people with disability living in more than 400 residential settings across Australia, and we believe the vaccine is an important way to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Australians’ from COVID-19.
We encourage our Life Without Barriers community, including staff, carers and people we support, to make an informed decision about being vaccinated. Vaccination can save lives and higher vaccination rates can make outbreaks much less likely.
We will also continue to follow COVID-19 safe measures as we have done throughout the pandemic including:
regular hand washing
maintaining physical distancing
following strict cleaning and infection control procedures
Life Without Barriers provides essential services and will continue to do so during COVID-19. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone, including the people we support, staff, carers, and families.
If you have any questions about our response to COVID-19 please contact the Life Without Barriers National COVID-19 Response Call Centre on 1800 313 117.
Visitors to Residential Disability Services
A message to families and supporters
Life Without Barriers understands the importance of connecting face-to-face with your loved one and we are doing everything we can to facilitate this in the safest way whilst adhering to mandatory government regulations.
If there are restrictions on visitors at residential disability services, we will help you connect with your loved one through other virtual methods. Please reach out to your local support team so we can discuss options with you.
To ensure people remain safe, we are seeking the support of the communities and partners we work with. Please do not visit our Life Without Barriers properties if you are unwell or if you believe you have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19.
Thank you for your cooperation and helping us look after the people we support, across Australia.
COVID-19 information and support
A range of free information and services to support people with disability and their family through COVID-19 is available.
Australian Government Disability Gateway – provides free advice and support available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (AEDT) (excluding public holidays)
Call 1800 643 787 (free call)
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call the National Relay Service on 133 677
If you require support in another language, call the National Interpreting Service (free call) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Contact Centre - this service is specifically for NDIS participants and family members who have questions about the impact of COVID-19 on their services.
Call 1800 800 110
Australian Government’s 24/7 Coronavirus Health Information Line – for free health advice
Call 1800 020 080.
Beyond Blue – provides free phone counselling and mental health support
Call 1300 22 4636 for 24/7
If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450
Easy Read Documents
Click for Easy Read Documents