Dean is proud to have begun work in supported employment with Afford!
Dean is now a proud member of the Afford team, a disability services organisation that also offers business services. With support from Life Without Barriers, Dean is enjoying supported employment with Afford and is a valued member of their world class Sydney distribution centre team.
Dean works in the packaging team, assisting with preparing headphones for flights. He initially started with the business a few hours a week and this has now increased to two days at four hours each, with plans to do more hours.

Dean finished his first shift with a big smile on his face and shared with his family and friends that he made a friend at work and was also surprised with a pizza lunch to welcome him on his first day.

Dean takes his job seriously and has asked his Life Without Barriers support workers to assist him with steps he can take to help him prepare for work each day. One of those steps was buying an alarm clock so Dean could feel confident he is always punctual to work.
Dean also asked for support to make new friends and get out and about in his community more. To help build Dean's confidence, his support workers suggested he join a bowling group. Since finding this new social outlet, Dean has subsequently made a lot of new friends and having a fun hobby has increased his self-confidence, which he now brings into the workplace.

Dean has told his support workers his future dream is a job in a coffee shop – we look forward to supporting Dean with his future goals.