The Seventh Annual Rocherlea LWB Sports Challenge was a smashing success.

The sports day held in December last year was attended by disability clients and staff from LWB as well as other disability organisations in the area, making up a total of 10 teams competing. It was a great time to come together in the name of fun and a bit of friendly competition. The day featured a series of modified sports challenges that all participants of all abilities could enjoy.
“You only have to see the determination and enjoyment on the athletes faces to understand how this impacts positively to all attending,” said LWB Disability Program Manager Tony Crothers.
“Access to and participation in sport provides an opportunity to experience social inclusion and also promotes health, confidence and teamwork.”
The day began with the sun shining and a buzz in the air as the competitors arrived. LWB participant Chloe Goss provided the Acknowledgment of Country and after that, the sports challenges commenced! The first event was the crate race and competition was fierce. The participants showed boundless courage and enthusiasm. The 80 metre sprint produced champions as well as a couple of puffed staff members who had assisted competitors in their wheelchairs over the distance.
After a relaxing lunch break and delicious barbeque the participants and staff enjoyed some music and parachute fun.
The crowd favourite tug-o-war followed lunch and it had all participants, staff, friends and even parents up on their feet and joining in the effort to be the team to get the other side over the line. It was definitely the highlight of the day with everyone enjoying the rewards of teamwork, friendship and good natured competitiveness.
The final event of the day, the staff novelty race produced a wave of hysterical laughter around the grounds from everyone as staff dressed in ridiculous outfits and wigs and raced to the finish line. It was a very fitting end to a fantastic day.

Each year, the overall winning team from the Sports Challenge receives the LWB Sports Challenge Shield, an interestingly, throughout its history, there is yet to be a team that has won it twice. The 2017 shield was awarded to the Birrini Team from Able Australia who proved to be the best sportsmen and women on the day. They will now hold and display the shield for one year until the next Sports Challenge.
All participants received a medal produced by the LWB Art Program and a certificate of participation. So many positive comments were received at the conclusion of the event from clients and staff alike including “What a fantastic day”, “We had a ball”, “Gee, everyone really gets into it” and “Can’t wait for the next one.” And with the event being such a smashing success, we can’t wait for the next one either.