These donations had a profound effect on the lives of the young people we support.
This year, Life Without Barriers has received some incredible donations from generous supporters, each with its unique purpose and impact. The items donated have had a profound effect on the lives of the young people we support, bringing smiles, comfort, and essential resources. We wanted to give a special thank you to the below supporters.

Image: Natalie, CYF Administration Officer, wearing a yellow shirt and a green Lego Hulk standing in front of the Good 360 Lego donation boxes.
Good 360
Good 360 generously provided us with three pallets of Lego valued at $35,000. These Lego sets are fun toys and also ignite creativity, learning, and joy. They were given as Christmas and birthday presents, ensuring our young people experienced the simple pleasures of opening a present on a special day.
They also donated 18 Foundation Starter Packs containing a variety of personal care items. These packs were distributed between ARYA and foster care families, ensuring that ARYA had a constant supply of personal care products for our young people. This donation made a tremendous difference in their daily lives, addressing immediate needs and promoting self-care.

Image: Two Life Without Barriers staff with ARYA Good 360 foundation starter packs on a table.
Find out more about ARYA house and our other homelessness services here.
Hook into Books™ supporters and partners
We thank the incredible support of those who make Hook into Books™ the incredible campaign that it is. Our dedicated supporters provided incredible books and resources so children and young people in out-of-home care experience literacy and language enhancement through exposure to rich literacy environments, physical books and digital literacy resources.
Supporters this year included; Brolly Books, EK Books for Kids, The Children's Book Council Australia (Queensland), University of Queensland Press, Walker Books, Wildflowers and Reading Hours.
Learn more about Hook into Books.

Image: Collage of six photos showing children with the Travelling Suitcases and Backpacks.
Operation Sunshine
Operation Sunshine provided us with 70 backpacks filled with clothes, books, toys, bottles, dummies, and more. These backpacks were distributed among our foster families, providing essential support for the care of our young people. The items within not only met their immediate needs but also brought joy and a sense of belonging.
Learn more about our approach to children, youth and families here.
Share the Dignity
We received a very generous donation from Share the Dignity, including 100 packs of tampons and 100 packs of pads. These were distributed among our residential care houses and ARYA, ensuring that our young women and gender-diverse people had access to essential personal hygiene supplies. This donation helped them feel more comfortable and supported.

Image: Photo of four volunteers wearing pink shirts with a Share The Dignity donation box. Image:
WA Aids Council
The WA Aids Council donated 500 safe sex packs, which were distributed to our residential care houses and ARYA. These vital resources were provided to promote safe sexual health practices among our youth. The contribution from WA Aids Council played a crucial role in educating and safeguarding our young people.
We extend our heartfelt thank you to all the organisations and individuals who contributed to the betterment of our young people's lives this year. With their support, we continue to make a significant impact on the future of these remarkable individuals, helping them grow and thrive.