15 August 2018

Meet Hannah and Chantelle. Both young women live independently with support from Life Without Barriers.

After four years of living in group accommodation and waiting and requesting to have female flatmates, the girls finally have a home of their own with the flatmate of their own choosing thanks to the choice and support provided by the NDIS. Read their story below in their own words.

Hannah's story

After 4 years of waiting, people are starting to listen to me. I wanted to live with another female and that I wanted to start a new chapter in my life. After so long I found out that everything was approved, I was full of joy.  I got told by 2 people at the office that we had to keep it a secret until everything was in place and ready to go. It was very hard for me not to spill the beans to everyone else. So when everything was in place I felt the weight lift of me and finally I could tell everyone including my old co-tenants. The packing took forever but eventually I got there, then came the day of moving. 

Image: Hannah and Chantelle enjoying a tea at their house

I was so excited I woke up at around 5am because I couldn’t sleep and I was up half the night. I felt quite anxious and tired all at once but eventually the packing started to unfold. Our first night was very exciting and strange being away from our familiar areas but we were here and starting our new chapter in our lives. I was very happy with all the support I was given during the exciting time and grateful to everyone. I now live with my new house mate and she is awesome, we have a heap of fun together, watching a movie or just having a laugh. 

Chantelle’s story

Hannah and I moved into the house on Thursday the 21st of June 2018. I was excited to share a house with Hannah. We both like to watch T.V, cook together, eat our meals together and we plan to go to the movies together soon.

Image: Chantelle washing up

We have lots of fun times together and laugh and joke a lot of the time. On our first Sunday we both enjoyed watching DVD’s in the lounge room together and found some movies that we both liked. Hannah and I are busy organising the house to suit us. Hannah is taller and is happy to use the high shelves which is great I like the lower ones.

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