“Life Without Barriers goes above and beyond to provide empowerment, support and empathy.” Max.

Receiving a Home Care Package is more than just a home service for Max, it is an important way to maintain his independence in his own home and continue to live life as he chooses.
Max, a retired building supervisor who helped design the set-up for the American Space Station – or Pine Gap – in the Northern Territory in the 1970s, has been receiving a Home Care Package through Life Without Barriers since 2016.
While Max is still quite independent and drives himself for appointments and shopping, his package includes domestic assistance twice a week for cleaning, maintenance and general help around the house.
The care package Max chose also included installing smoke alarms which flash, make a high-pitched noise and also send off a vibration when Max is sleeping, due to his hearing impairment. Max was also able to purchase a medi-alarm and key safe to promote his safety and help him feel more at ease, and a lifter chair has increased his mobility. He enjoys sitting in the chair to watch the nightly news on TV!
“Without the consistent supports and care from Life Without Barriers, I don’t feel I could continue to remain in my own home and this is what my main goal is all about,” said Max.
“Life Without Barriers goes above and beyond to provide empowerment, support and empathy.”