If you’ve been approved for a home care package or are starting to think about getting some extra support around the home, here are our top tips.

Image: An older woman with short hair, wearing a light pink jumper, stands at a stove and spoons sauce into a pot. A man is standing at the bench behind her.
There’s a wide variety of home care providers out there, so how do you find the right fit for you?
While at first glance many home care service providers can look the same, they differ in the services offered, the way they deliver these services, and how much they charge.
Linda Radtke, Regional Operations Manager at Life Without Barriers for aged care, sat down with us to share her insights on the key factors to consider when choosing a home care provider, so you can make an informed decision with confidence.
Check for an approved home care provider
"A good first step is to ensure that the providers you are researching are approved providers, meaning they comply with the Australian Government’s Aged Care Quality Standards," said Linda.
You can find approved providers, regulated by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, on the myAgedCare’s find a provider page.
Get clear on your care needs and preferences
Finding a perfect home care match becomes easier once you decide what home care services you are looking for, and what’s important to you in how these services are delivered.
"Different providers offer various services, and it's important to find one that meets your specific needs and requirements, whether it's help with personal care, clinical support, home and garden assistance, transport, or companionship," said Linda.
If you are unsure about what you need help with, a good starting point is thinking through a normal week and note down any activity that is getting harder for you to do on your own. It could be grocery shopping, cleaning the house (especially those hard-to-reach places), showering or getting dressed, mowing and keeping the garden safe, or transport to activities that keep you connected to your community.
You may also have some specific health conditions that require specialised support to help you stay living your best life at home, such as allied health services like physiotherapy and occupational therapy, or in-home nursing care.
Of course, location and availability are important and often the starting point when finding a provider. Other areas to consider when researching providers is whether they can meet your specific care requirements and if they provide support in line with your culture, background, and faith.

Image: A woman is sitting at a table and holding a device in her hands. A woman is looking at the device over her shoulder.
Chat to a few different providers
The best way to see if a provider can meet your needs is to get in touch to chat through your care needs and what services you are looking for.
"Meeting with a few different home care providers can be a good idea," said Linda.
"At Life Without Barriers, we arrange for a local care coordinator to meet you in person, so we can best understand your care needs, what services you’re looking for, and how best we can meet your needs."
"This a free, no obligation meeting, as we understand everyone’s care needs and preferences are different, and finding the right fit is important."
Life Without Barriers provides are range of services including Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Home Care Packages, and Veterans Home Care. We offer a variation of aged care packages as well as fee for service, or Private Care, across Australia.
Key questions to ask at your home care provider appointment
When you chat to a provider, share the list you’ve made about the support you’re looking for and the outcome of any MyAgedCare assessments you’ve had.
You can then ask questions about the services they provide, their approach to delivering care, their experience as an organisation, the qualifications of their staff, the costs involved, and how they stay in touch with the people they support.
Life Without Barriers offers a consumer-directed care approach. Consumer-directed care allows individuals to have a say in the services they receive and how they are delivered. This means that we take a personalised approach to ensure that care plans are tailored your individual needs and preferences.
"We take a personalised approach to ensure that care plans are tailored to each client’s individual needs and preferences," said Linda.
"Another important aspect to discuss is how the provider will communicate with you. They should be responsive and accessible, offering regular updates and being open to feedback."

Image: An elderly couple stand side by side, smiling at each other.
Deciphering home care costs
When you meet with a provider, they should tell you what the services will cost and what you will pay, including clear information about all fees and charges. These can vary significantly across providers.
"At Life Without Barriers, we are open and transparent about how your budget will be used to plan and deliver your care and providing clear information about all fees and charges," said Linda.
Key pricing areas to look at include:
Administration or package management fees
Care or case management fees
Hourly fees for specific services
Rates charged for travel
Pricing should be publicly available through myAgedCare or displayed on the provider's website. You can learn more about costs for aged care services here.
By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision to help you, or your loved one, live their best life at home.
Life Without Barriers provides Aged Care services across the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria so you can connect with a local team and find the care that’s right for you.
Email the team at agedcareenquiries@lwb.org.au or call 1800 792 359.