This page provides information for people who receive support through our National Immigration Support Services about how we’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Vaccination update
Life Without Barriers supports vaccination as an important way to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our community. Vaccination can save lives and higher vaccination rates can make outbreaks much less likely.
COVID-19 booster vaccinations are now available for people aged 16 years and over who have already had two primary doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. A booster dose is recommended to maximise protection against becoming severely unwell from COVID-19. As such, we encourage our Life Without Barriers community, including staff, carers and people we support, to receive their booster vaccination when are eligible and if it is safe to do so.
The Department of Health provides information about the benefits of a booster dose to help you make an informed decision about whether this is suitable for you, as well as the eligibility criteria, which is available in a range of languages here.
To find a vaccination clinic near you, click here.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Life Without Barriers priority remains the safety and wellbeing of everyone, including the people we support and their families. We are introducing vaccination as a condition of employment, and we are supporting our staff to be fully vaccinated.
All staff are also continuing to follow COVID-19 safe measures, including regular hand washing, maintaining physical distance (where possible), following strict cleaning and infection control procedures and wearing the masks, gloves, eye protection and gowns (where necessary).
If you have any questions about our response to COVID-19, please contact your local support team.
Translated resources for people in Victoria
Translated resources - coronavirus (COVID-19) - available here
Coronavirus public transport factsheet – available here
Interpreter service
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National (Australian Government) – call 131 450 or visit here
Information in your language
Coronavirus WhatsApp and Social Media
Australian Government WhatsApp message to +61 400 253 787
Concerned about your health? If you need health advice, call the Australian Government’s 24/7 Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
Struggling with your mental health? If you want to talk to someone about your mental health, you can call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 for 24/7 phone counselling. They also have an online chat open 3pm to 12am (AEDT).
Photo by Deddy Yoga Pratama