Hook into Books™ is extending its virtual reach – introducing the Intergenerational Virtual Storytime!

Image: Two little boys sitting next to an older woman with glasses reading a children's story book.
We want our community to read more books and tell more stories, and we want these books and stories to reach more kids!
This video series will see older Australians from Life Without Barriers read children’s storybooks aloud for children and young people in out-of-home care and beyond!
Older Australians will read stories from days gone by, enjoyed by them as children, or share their favourite modern stories which they read to the children in their life.
Videos can be accessed here on the Intergenerational Virtual Storytime page – and can be enjoyed by anyone at any time!
Nurturing literacy-rich environments for children
A baby’s brain forms more than a million neural connections every second when awake. Babies learn through spending time with people in their life. These interactions create emotions, thoughts and responses that impact their brain, imprinting meaningful moments. These moments, especially if they occur early in a child’s life and often, build strong brains, providing a strong foundation for their life.
Download the Bright Tomorrows app to receive access to over 1000 meaningful moments and tips to help build young brains.
10 tips to incorporate literacy into your everyday
Be word detectives
When you come across a new word in a book, instead of explaining it right away, try asking your child what they think it means. Perhaps reread the sentence and see if they can pick it up from the context clues.
Send a postcard
Send a postcard to a relative or friend. Write child’s words for them, or get them involved in writing or drawing a message.
Tell us more
Encourage your kids to think a bit deeper and tell you a little more about what they are thinking. Try saying, "Tell us more", or "Why do you think that?", or "Do you have any different ideas?
Take turns as you read
Each time you read with your child, get them involved. This might mean they turn the pages, points things out, or take turns talking while you read. Think of it as a conversation, the book is just a tool to help it along.
Same and different
Talk about 'same and different' while you play. How are the puzzle pieces the same? How are they different?
Wonder out loud
Share your wonderings out loud with your child. The statement ‘I wonder…’ can encourage some deep thinking from them and invite responses in the same way that open-ended questions do.
Sequencing Simon Says
Practice language like ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘after’, and ‘last’ by playing a ‘Simon Says’ type game. “First, touch your nose, then pat your tummy, after that turnaround and lastly, sit on your bottom”. Break it down step by step for your little one.
I-Spy social skills
Playing the game of I-Spy not only helps children to build sound or alphabet knowledge but also builds social skills as they wait to take their turn.
Revisit the favourites
Repeat your kid’s favourite books again and again. Children love revisiting familiar stories and delight in knowing what comes next.
Musical statues, with a twist
Play musical statues where your child has to freeze when the music stops or the singing stops. Make it trickier by getting them to freeze in different positions, for example, standing on one leg, or with arms in the air. This helps with understanding instructions.