Joe has moved into a supported living home in Sydney, and is enjoying every moment!
Joe is a fantastic 19-year-old young man who has moved into a new group home in Sydney. Joe moved into the home just over a year ago and lives with another young man of similar age with similar interests - making them the perfect housemates!
Joe’s move into the home has been nothing short of seamless, Joe loves his new set-up and has risen to the challenge of becoming more independent. Stretching his new found sense of freedom, Joe has taken to actively running the household and being a part of all the important decisions along with his support team.
The people who support Joe said he does as much for himself as possible.
Joe loves to be involved in the dinner prep and relishes the opportunity of making his own lunches.
Joe loves to cook and also go shopping for the weekly fruit and vegetables. As well as picking out what will be on the menu that week, Joe takes full control of the (sanitised) trolley.
Along with cooking, he loves to dance, go on walks, explore aquariums and have fun whenever possible. Before the COVID-19 restrictions, Joe absolutely loved to dance and get on the mic at the Friday night disco.
The staff who support Joe say he is a very relaxed man who takes everything in his stride, nothing seems to upset him and he has the most adorable nature and a very cheeky sense of humour. From these photos, he looks like all these things and more!