11 October 2024

We can end child poverty - an important message for Anti-Poverty Week.

Image: A young boy and girl sitting at a picnic table.

When talking about poverty in Australia, a key issue we need to address is the alarming rates of child poverty, which continue to impact the health, wellbeing, and future of so many young Australians.

Child poverty in Australia

Childhood is meant to be a time of joy, wonderment, and learning. All young people in Australia should have enough food, nourishment, clothing, hope, and opportunity.

But did you know that right now, in Australia, 1 in 6 children live in poverty? In real numbers, that’s 761,000 children across the country.

Life Without Barriers works with thousands of children and young people across Australia, and we know some of the hardship and challenges they can face.

In uniting together to address child poverty, we need to understand what child poverty is and ways we can work together to change it for future generations.

Image: A teenage girl with long brown hair, wearing a blue t-shirt, stands outdoors, looking at the camera.

What is poverty for children and how is it different to adult poverty?

Children and young people growing up in poverty can be deprived of both physical or material things like food, clothing, suitable housing and shelter but they can also not have access to simple non-material things like sport, excursions, or other community activities.

We can all imagine what it is like to feel left out. Children living in poverty may be living in an overcrowded home where there is no quiet place to do homework, and they may experience anxiety and worry for their parents.

Children at the forefront of the housing crisis are often frequently moving due to high rents, which disrupt school and friendships.

Multiple studies have found that child poverty isn’t just about not having enough to eat and a secure home. A lack of money limits children and young people’s lives, their learning, and seeps into other aspects of their life.

The negative impact of poverty on a child’s development and life outcomes is significant, well documented, and can last a lifetime.

Image: A child stand at the top of a playground, looking down.

Life Without Barriers joins the End Child Poverty Campaign

Within Life Without Barriers, our teams work incredibly hard to support children across the country and our Policy and Advocacy plan includes a focus on our commitment to address poverty in Australia with our sector partners.

One of the key activities we are undertaking is joining the End Child Poverty Campaign, which calls on all Governments, both state and federal, to legislate an end to child poverty.

Support from community, not-for-profit and corporate organisations, and elected representatives is critical to help us call on the Federal Government to end child poverty in Australia.

You can take positive action and support the Campaign's mission to End Child Poverty in Australia by signing the petition or pledging your support on the official End Child Poverty website.

Social policy

We want the voice of the people we work with to be heard and to empower them to speak for themselves.

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