Did you know we deliver Multisystemic Therapy in both Australia and New Zealand?

We have been seeing great success with our Multisystemic Therapy (MST) program, and we are proud to partner with clinicians in New Zealand to deliver the service there. MST is a therapy that works specifically with young people with complex and anti-social behaviours. The aim is to get them back into education or employment, no longer using substances and to have no new arrests. The therapy works because it doesn't just focus on the young person, instead it takes a whole of community approach; family, peers, school, and neighbourhood.
We have seen strong outcomes from our New Zealand teams. From 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 the teams supported 206 young people and families through the MST program. Upon discharge from MST 96% of the young people were living back at home, 78% were engaged in school or employment and 86% had no new arrests.
MST empowers caregivers to be long-term change agents, creating more sustainable effects than treatment methods focused solely on the individual.
By working with clinical teams in New Zealand we provide quality assurance for the program with our primary role being to ensure families are receiving the best service possible.
Along with weekly clinical input, our consultant provides quarterly training and assistance with development activities, including new program implementation and recruitment.

Image: The MST New Zealand Team
By conducting monthly reviews with MST participants, our Data Evaluator helps ensure the program’s integrity, while also providing an opportunity for caregiver feedback.
“I wish this was available for all families. It’s a wonderful service. Both (therapists) are fantastic. They’re easy to understand and have helped me to change what I do with my child.”
— Parent feedback from MST program in New Zealand.