A positive step in Australia’s Anti-slavery commitments.

Image: Profile of a woman with dark hair sitting.
Life Without Barriers is now delivering intensive and tailored support services to people who are at risk of, or who have experienced, forced marriage as of January 2, 2025.
With the support of the Federal Government, over the next four years, Life Without Barriers is delivering the Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program (FMSSP) nationwide, supporting people affected by, and vulnerable to, forced marriage, using trauma-informed models of care.
“We are proud to be part of a collective effort and to partner with the Federal Government to combat violence against women and children, empowering victim-survivors of modern slavery to rebuild their lives.” Panos Massouris, Director, Immigration Support Services said.
The Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program
The Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program is part of a national approach to combat modern slavery, violence against women and children and is intended to create prevention, early intervention, and the protection of victim-survivors. Sometimes stigma, shame and family or community pressure can pose barriers for people to identify and respond to instances of forced marriage.
Life Without Barriers is working with communities across Australia and other organisations to raise awareness and understanding of forced marriage and help people access support services.
A really important part of our approach is through proven frameworks such as CARE and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention which works with people in a strengths based way, in partnership to support people through the complex dynamics of forced marriage.
In addition to one-on-one support, the program will include:
Awareness-raising initiatives to educate the public and service providers about the signs of forced marriage and how to respond.
Training for frontline workers and service providers to ensure the effective detection and intervention in cases of forced marriage.
Community engagement activities to promote early detection, prevention, and access to support services for at-risk individuals.
A focus on health, wellbeing and social support, including access to counselling, legal services and emergency accommodation in cases where it is not safe for people to remain in their current residences.

Image: Close up photo of two people's hands. One of them is comforting the other and holding a pen and paper.
Did you know there are people in Australia who being forced into marriage?
A forced marriage is when a person gets married without giving their full consent, because they were coerced, threatened, or deceived, or because they are unable to understand what marriage means due to factors like age or mental capacity. And there are people in Australia who are at risk forced marriage and some people who are in one now.
Forced marriage is a form of modern slavery and an abuse of human rights. It most commonly happens to young women and girls, but people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, cultures and religions can be a victim of forced marriage.
Forced marriage is a crime and should always be reported.
If you’re concerned that a friend or family member is being forced to marry, or you’re a supporting agency, you can safely refer them for dedicated and discreet support.
Get support from Life Without Barriers by calling 1800 403 213.
If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family, or sexual violence, call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit the 1800RESPECT website for online chat and video call services.
Life Without Barriers is funded by the Department of Social Services to provide the Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program. Further information is available on the Department of Social Services website.