Aged Care employees Richard, Rick, Rolf and Joel are growing their ‘staches for Movember.
Taking place throughout November, Movember is a charity initiative where men grow a moustache (or close to) to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. The three health issues targeted by Movember are prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention – three of the biggest killers of men in Australia.
The money that is raised will go towards supporting innovative men’s health projects; from funding research and treatments for cancer, to organising community-led mental health programs.
You can support our Mo Bros by donating to their team on the Movember website.
Meet the very smooth-faced members of Life Without Barriers Aged Care Gents Team below:
Richard Cabrita
“I wanted to create a Movember team with my colleagues to help bring light to older men’s health.”

Rick Eggins
“Movember helps remind us guys to stop and think about our wellbeing. It encourages us to take action and prioritise good physical and mental health.
"Being in a leadership position, I really wanted to put myself out there and support this important cause. I hope that when other guys around the organisation see our mo’s, they take the time to reflect on their health and the supports that are available to them.”

Rolf Bachmann
“I was keen to do Movember and be part of a Life Without Barriers team effort. Men’s mental health isn’t something that we talk about enough, and I’m proud to help raise awareness about it.”

Joel Pace
“I signed up to Movember to help raise awareness and funds for this important cause. It’s great to be doing it alongside my colleagues who can go on the journey with me and support my mission to grow the perfect mo. Towards the end of November, you may mistake me for Mario from Mario Brothers!”

Stay tuned for an update at the end of November where we will show you the mo’s in all their glory!