We are fundraising for our carers, the people we support and colleagues and will match any donation dollar for dollar up to $20,000.

Along with many other Australians, there are many people in the Life Without Barriers community who are affected by severe flooding along the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, including staff, carers, and people we support.
It’s been a really challenging month for communities across Queensland and New South Wales with ongoing evacuations and flooding.
Carers who are providing homes for children in care have been displaced and lost vehicles, property and in some cases, their homes. One Life Without Barriers staff member had to swim out of their bedroom window to escape the flood and has lost everything.
Life Without Barriers is raising funds to help each of these individuals and has pledged to match all donations dollar to dollar, up to $20,000.
All of the money raised will go straight to those in need.
These are some of the worst floods seen on record and now is a time to wrap support around each and every person we know who has been affected.
Life Without Barriers has a number of people we support who are already vulnerable in our community and who are now facing an extensive loss of property. We hope this fundraising effort will restore some of what has been lost and show our community how important they are.
If you are able to support us on our mission, please donate here.
Donations are tax deductible!