We applaud the Prime Minister for his immediate commitment to unequivocally adopt the Uluru Statement of the Heart.

Life Without Barriers congratulates the 31st Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Anthony Albanese MP and the Labor Party on being elected as the next government to lead Australia.
Australia has navigated significant challenges over recent years and the incoming Government has vocalised its commitment to unite Australians towards the future with policy arenas that recognise the divide in wealth and support services in our community.
We particularly welcome plans that will focus on improved opportunities for safe and affordable housing, advanced equality and safety for women in society, improved health access for vulnerable Australians, recognise the need for a courageous environmental policy and greater collaboration to improve the NDIS.
Life Without Barriers also applauds the Prime Minister for his immediate commitment to unequivocally adopt the Uluru Statement of the Heart and we recognise the role of organisations like ours to embrace a greater level of courage and commitment towards Reconciliation.
“The commitment to adopt the Uluru statement in full is a significant step for all Australians. It will mark a time in history that will be as transcendent as National Sorry Day and help us realise a future with First Nations voice enshrined in our constitution. This will have a hugely positive impact for future generations," said Claire Robbs, Chief Executive of Life Without Barriers.
"The absence of First Nations recognition in our constitution has been a source of pain and inequality for hundreds of years."
"The adoption of the statement marks the time for us to change this as a nation.” Ms Robbs said.
As one of Australia’s most trusted providers of disability services, Life Without Barriers looks forward to working with the government to further strengthen the NDIS with people with disability and their supporters.
“The newly appointed Prime Minister and his ministry have shown they understand just how important a strong and functioning NDIS is for people with disability.” Chief Executive Claire Robbs said.
“We look forward to working with the Government and people with disability to continue to evolve how the NDIS works for people, and in a way that is significantly influenced by their views, perspectives and choices."