Norfolk Island, located off the Queensland coast is an idyllic place to live and raise a family, but prior to 2018 there were no disability services on the island.

As the NDIS rolled-out across Queensland, that roll out reached Norfolk Island and for the first time families and people with disability could access tailored support that was designed by them, for them.
Before launching on Norfolk Island, the NDIA consulted with families to learn more about their needs and approached providers that could extend their support to the region. Life Without Barriers is proud to be one of the service providers now delivering NDIS support coordination to participants on the island.
As each person with disability is different, so are the scope of services they receive. For some people the NDIS has meant assistance with speech and behavioural therapy, for others it focuses on building their independent living skills such as emails, budgeting and community involvement and for another client it has meant support to establish a dog treat business that services the many boutique stores on the island.
Thanks to support from the NDIS families are growing stronger every day and seeing their loved ones learn new skills and open themselves up to opportunities they previously thought impossible.