The 14th of October 2023 will be a pivotal date for our nation’s path towards Reconciliation.

Image: Photo of a crowd of people from above. They are holding Vote Yes signs. Photo via the Yes23 Facebook page.
Life Without Barriers has welcomed the Prime Minister, The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, announcement of the date for the 2023 Referendum on a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.
Life Without Barriers affirmed its backing for a Voice to Parliament as part of its support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart in its entirety earlier this year.
The Life Without Barriers Board supports a constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice to Parliament and has released a statement which you can read here.
Claire Robbs, Life Without Barriers Chief Executive, said the 14th of October 2023 will be a pivotal date for our nation’s path towards reconciliation.
“On 14 October, we will decide as a nation about the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our constitution.
"We will also be asked to decide whether First Nations people should have the opportunity to be consulted on and guide policy and decisions that directly affect them.
“Over recent decades, we have shown our appreciation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. It is now time to learn about the journey to now and what First Nations people have been asking for close to a century.
“The Civil Sector has been very active in designing materials that enable all Australians to access quality and reliable information including materials translated into over 50 languages."

Image: The Life Without Barriers Board holding Yes signs. From the left; Dr Elizabeth McEntyre, Rajiv Viswanathan, Cain Beckett, Greg Ridder and Gillian Calvert AO.
The freely available accessible resources about the establishment of a First Nations Voice to Parliament in Australia include fact sheets, social media tiles, audio resources and videos translated into Auslan, Easy and Plain English, accessible formats, and auditory formats.
All organisations and individuals are welcome to download and share these resources with your networks.
For further information about the initiative and the translated materials, visit the Life Without Barriers hub!