"It is a strategy that is reflecting the voices and insights of people with disability and the sector that supports them."

Life Without Barriers is pleased to support the Australian Government’s new national disability strategy titled Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.
The plan outlines a clear vision and purpose towards creating an inclusive Australian society that ensures people with disability are recognised as equal members of the community.
The new strategy is supported by $250 Million in funding to assist with its implementation and will be monitored by a government-appointed advisory council led by disability discrimination commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett.
Life Without Barriers Executive Lead for Disability, Chris Chippendale, said;
“Life Without Barriers provided a submission during the consultation process and is very supportive and in fact excited by the release of the new strategy."
"It is a strategy that is reflecting the voices and insights of people with disability and the sector that supports them. Life Without Barriers is especially pleased to see meaningful strategies included in the plan to provide better employment opportunities for people with disability.”
“It is so encouraging to see the positive and purposeful language throughout the strategy, especially the inclusion of wanting to ‘Create workplace cultures where people with disability can thrive in their careers.’ We look forward to supporting the strategy and incorporating its goals into more of our work with people and communities.” Mr Chippendale said.
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 outlines seven outcome areas each with five areas of targeted action, which will be backed by detailed implementation plans.
Life Without Barriers specifically acknowledges and is supportive of the following areas:
Community Attitudes
Emergency Management
Early childhood
Life Without Barriers Strategy 2025 has several focus areas in its social policy agenda to influence the systemic barriers people with disability face that align well with the targeted areas of action.
The organisation welcomes the opportunity to work alongside government and other organisations to ensure Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 is a well-utilised guiding framework for real action, particularly to promote employment options for people with disability.
More information on Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 can be found here.
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