Life Without Barriers welcomes investing in women and families, the NDIS and closing the gap initiatives.

Life Without Barriers Chief Executive, Claire Robbs said she applauds the Government for its investment in Closing the Gap measures, securing the future of the NDIS, support for women and families and commitment to improving safety and fairness in our workplaces.
“I am encouraged to see that some of the commitments established at the Jobs and Skills Summit budget outlined in this budget,” Ms Robbs said.
“Investments to boost job security and encouraging Australian businesses to adopt workplace practices that support employees represent huge opportunities to get more people with disabilities into meaningful employment.
“In addition, Life Without Barriers is in full support of the Government’s decision to bring forward the planned review of the NDIS to explore the design, operations and sustainability of the scheme, including ways to improve the market and workforce that supports people with disability in our country.
"Life Without Barriers supports the Government’s commitment to increase the size of the Refugee and Humanitarian Program to 17,875 places each year until 2025-26."
“We welcome additional funding for humanitarian assistance, Temporary Humanitarian Concern Visas, and community and settlement support funding in response to the war in Ukraine,” Ms Robbs said.
A genuine partnership between the government and First Nations people is central to driving progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
“Life Without Barriers fully supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Government reaffirming the intention to deliver a Voice to Parliament,” Ms Robbs said.
“I also want to commend this government on the record investment to end violence against women and children and the additional funding put towards preventing violence, early intervention, recovery, and healing.”