As an organisation Life Without Barriers are committed to reconciliation, learning from the past and thinking about where we can go next.

Life Without Barriers has a 2016-2018 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). A ‘stretch’ RAP is for organisations who are ready to challenge (or stretch) themselves to develop a deeper engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
While we know there is still a long way to go, we are committed to this cause and encouraged to see we are meeting or exceeding a number of our Stretch RAP targets. Here are a handful of achievements to date:
Since January 2016 we have exceeded our target with over 1,600 staff participating in face-to-face cultural awareness workshops. These workshops give us a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements.
6.2% of all of our staff are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, which is above the total population of 3%. The Executive team and I are keen to see this number continue to rise as reflected in our Stretch RAP.
We have exceeded our original commitment to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses through our procurement practices with more than $1 million spent to date.
We have been building valuable connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in many ways, including engagement at community events, for example Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week events.
Reconciliation is a journey, so where are we headed? In the future, Life Without Barriers plans to develop an ‘Elevate’ RAP - a plan for organisations who are ready to take on a leadership position to advance national reconciliation.
There’s a lot more we can be doing to increase opportunities and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At Life Without Barriers, we are learning from the past and thinking about where we can go next.