Northern Territory Youth Week (or NTYW) is an annual celebration of young people across the Territory and involves a range of fun and exciting events and activities.

The Northern Territory is celebrating Youth Week (NTYW) 2020 from April 14 - 24. The theme this year is ‘Empowerment’, it encourages young people to achieve their dreams and have a voice in decisions affecting their lives.
Life Without Barriers has been supporting young people in the Northern Territory for over a decade, and we couldn’t be prouder of Scotty*. Scotty is 13 and has been in foster care and out of home care for the last five years.
Scotty lives with a disability and has faced a number of challenges throughout his life. His schooling was difficult initially, but he hasn’t let that stop him pursuing his interests and goals. After a bumpy start to education, Scotty decided he wanted to turn things around. He finished 2019 on a high, winning the Student Citizen Award for his primary school before setting off on a new journey, high school.
He commenced year 7 in 2020 and was keen to set his sights high. Working with his support worker, Scotty’s goal was to attend school every day - and so far things are on track, and he couldn’t be happier.

Scotty says his favourite part of going to school is riding his blue bike there, announcing his arrival with a ding of his bell and seeing his friends
“I have seven friends that I see can every day.”
Scotty is so keen to go to school that he’ll often get himself ready on the weekend for the week ahead. His support worker is astounded in the changes she has seen in him and how he has taken charge of his education.
Scotty also likes to cook. In our out of home care service Life Without Barriers' actively engages our young people in daily decision making. His favourite food is pizza, “I love ham and pineapple the best”, so we regularly get him in the kitchen and he takes part in setting the weekly menu.
For more information on NTYW phone 8999 3881 or email
*Name and image changed to protect those we support.