The power of a smile on mental health.

Steve (pictured) has been walking from Glenelg to Adelaide every day for several years now, and says that he receives so many smiles from people along the way which make his walk an absolute pleasure.
A few weeks ago (before social distancing came into affect) Steve stopped in at the Life Without Barriers Unley Office for a chat with our reception staff. He said he just popped in to make us smile as a thank you for all the incredible work we do for the people we support.
Steve explained that after battling mental illness for years, he has discovered that the answer to surviving and achieving positive mental health can sometimes be found in a simple smile.
“It’s in your attitude, it’s what people tell you that you allow into your head, if you don’t let it get into your head - then it doesn’t bother you.”
He stopped in on his way to a hotel in Adelaide where homeless people are now being housed during the COVID-19 pandemic, to spread his awareness and his smiles.
He definitely brightened our reception team’s day by making them smile, and we’re sure he’ll make you smile too - which is all he wants to achieve.
So, today, to honour the example that Steve is setting, share a smile with everyone you meet and see what a positive difference it can make to not only their day, but to yours as well 😊.