During the 2023 Hook into Books™ campaign, we’re asking you to tell us what book you're hooked on! #ImHooked

Image: A woman sits on the ground next to a young girl, reading a book to her.
Reading is one of the most important ways to develop the mind, encourage creativity and embrace imagination. Not only because it’s one of the most effective ways to learn but because it's accessible to all and does not discriminate or divide.
Books can teach us, move us, give us new perspectives, and help shape who we are and who we become. The most powerful books can change our lives forever.
If you love to jump in front of the camera and have a book you are bursting to tell us about, why not create your own vlog and share it on Instagram or Facebook?
Be sure to hashtag #LifeWithoutBarriers, #HookIntoBooks and #ImHooked and tag the below accounts!
Instagram: @LWBAustralia
Facebook: Life Without Barriers
LinkedIn: Life Without Barriers

Image: Mother and young daughter reading a book in a book room.