At Life Without Barriers’ Shared and Supported Living houses social isolation hasn’t stopped the fun and games!

At Life Without Barriers, we are taking COVID-19 very seriously and ensure that all our staff and the people who we support are social distancing and practicing good hygiene. But that doesn't mean we can't have any fun doing it!
Some of the wonderful residents who we support in Central NSW wanted to share what they have been doing to keep busy whilst stuck at home.

Staff in the houses have been very proactive to ensure that all the people who chose us to support them aren't left with nothing to do whilst external day activities are put on hold. This means that lots of new and exciting activities have been brought into the house! In the process, the staff and tenants have been discovering all kinds of new and interesting things about each other.
Activities have included dice games, hoops, Jenga, colouring, playing ball, relaxing foot-spas, baking and feeding birds in the back garden, and putting in a collaborative household effort to complete a complex jigsaw puzzle.

All the tenants in the house have also been getting 'techie', as most people are now. The residents have adopted more digital means of keeping in touch with their families and friends. This includes jumping on the Zoom meeting train! This is a new skill for both the staff and tenants and one which everyone is enjoying.

Life Without Barriers’ support staff have done a great job in every area of planning and supporting our clients in Shared and Supported Living houses during this unusual and challenging time.
Every staff member involved has gone above and beyond their normal call of duty while also supporting each other. We’re very proud of the hard work our staff have put in, and want to give an extra thank you to each of them. Thanks is not what they are after though, the staff have shared that the best reward they could ever ask for is the laughter and smiles on the faces of the people they support and care for as they enjoy themselves.