Freddy was a Life Without Barriers Hub services participant, now he uses his lived experience to help others.

Freddy lives in Launceston, Tasmania, and at age 17, he started visiting the Life Without Barriers Hub.
The Hub is a gathering place for people with disability to make connections and access mentoring as well as services to help people engage in the community through activities they choose.
“I was fortunate with the NDIS rollout to access some supports to access services, including the Hub, I found it a really great place to be," Freddy said.
"It helped me move outside my comfort zone and do more things socially, which I really liked.”
Freddy loves sports and the arts and enjoyed accessing the Hub so he could be supported to explore his interests and develop friendships. Last year, one of the Life Without Barriers mentors suggested to Freddy that he would be a great mentor for other people. Freddy applied and was successful in securing a position as a Life Without Barriers mentor at the Hub services.
Freddy is now employed with Life Without Barriers and working in partnership with people with disability and helping them make choices about their life and how they want to be part of their community.
“I enjoy the work because of the connection I make with people and how I can support people with their different wants and needs. I pride myself on being consistent and understanding what a person is seeking from me.” Freddy said.
“I have the experience of being a participant of the Hub, and this has helped me appreciate that people have challenges in different ways, and it has helped me be present and relate to participants I am working with and help them achieve what they want.”