Can you imagine calling a cold park bench home? A windy walkway? Bedding down on a friend’s couch, not sure of where you’ll sleep tomorrow night? The reality is, there are 116,000 homeless Australians who experience this every night of the week.

Behind this staggering statistic are people who have been impacted by a multitude of other heartbreaking factors, but you can help make a difference to their lives.
As National Homelessness Week takes places next week, (August 4 -10, 2019), we’re asking those in South Australia’s Riverland area who are able, to help make a difference by donating winter blankets and bedding to our Life Without Barriers office in Berri (12 Crawford Terrace, Berri).
If you can’t make it to our Berri office, donations can also be dropped off at the following locations across the Riverland:
Office of Senator Anne Ruston (9 Renmark Avenue, Renmark, SA)
Office of MP Tim Whetstone (13 Kay Avenue, Berri, SA)
Waikerie Library (1A Strangman Road, Waikerie, SA)
Loxton Public Library (East Terrace, Loxton, SA)
Berri Barmera Council (19 Wilson Street, Berri, SA)
Berri Library (Kay Ave, Berri SA)
Barmera Public Library (4 Barwell Avenue, Barmera SA)
Renmark Paringa Community Centre Inc. (86 Nineteenth Street, Renmark SA)
To help raise awareness of homelessness, Life Without Barriers will also be holding free barbecues across the Riverland throughout the week, where information on our homelessness services will be available. These free barbecue events will be held from 11am-2pm at the following locations:
Monday, 5 August - Barwell Avenue, Barmera
Tuesday, 6 August - Woolworths Waikerie
Wednesday, 7 August - East Terrace/Drabsch Street, Loxton
Thursday, 8 August - Riverfront Murray Street, Renmark
Friday, 9 August - Vaughan Terrace, Berri
In the meantime, if you or someone you know is currently experiencing homelessness, please do contact us so we help keep them safe.
Life Without Barriers Berri office Phone: (08) 8580 5500 Phone (out of hours): 1800 003 308