Now we reconcile what this means for the country we are and the nation we seek to become.

Image: People walking down the street holding a large Aboriginal flag.
We unite in a week of silence with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and communities that have graciously sought to explain the simple request of a Voice to Parliament for many years. The deep sorrow of a rejected invitation to advance reconciliation weighs heavy. As allies, we are reflecting on our responsibility to deconstruct the barriers preventing healing and unity.
We will not offer a public dissection of the last few months, nor will we enter into the political debate that will continue in the coming weeks. For now, we focus on supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, carers, people we support, organisations and leaders we have worked closely with over many months – their wellbeing is of utmost importance to us.
We carry hope we can realise a thriving Australia within a generation. One built on love, recognition and appreciation for the First Peoples of Australia.
Always was, always will be.

Image: A picture of the statement above with the Life Without Barriers logo.