3 August 2022

Subway partners with Joblife, dedicated to building inclusive restaurants.

Tiara wearing glasses and a green subway shirt and hat smiling at the camera and holding out a wrapped up sandwich

At 20 years old, Tiara Bichener had never had a job. Life Without Barriers connected Tiara to Joblife, where she met with Employment Consultant Leanne.

Tiara experiences mental health issues and believed she would never be able to find employment.

“I just wanted a job and prove to myself I could get a job,” Tiara said.

“Leanne and I really clicked. I never left the house much before. Then I connected with Leanne, and she listened to me and supported me. She came to my interview and sat in there with me, if it wasn’t for her, I would’ve been very anxious.” Tiara explained.

Tiara was determined to take the support Leanne offered.

Alongside the support to help build Tiara’s confidence, Joblife was able to help Tiara with any financial burdens. This included phone payments so she could stay connected with Joblife services.

Tiara was offered a frontline role at Subway and is thriving.

“Tiara is a delight – we regularly get compliments about Tiara’s service and her genuine caring nature."

"She makes a mean sub, encourages others around her, and I am very proud of the personal and professional growth I have seen from her.” Emma, the North Brisbane Subway Area Manager, said of Tiara.

Michael, Tiara’s store manager, also praised Tiara’s work ethic.

“Tiara is incredibly honest and one of the most hard-working people I have ever met! She cares for people like no one else, and her dedication is second to none. She has supported me unlike anyone I have worked with, and I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity to work with her.” Michael said.

Subway has now partnered with Joblife and is dedicated to building an inclusive workplace.

“We have had a very positive experience with Leanne and have found the whole process very professional and supportive,” Emma said of Joblife services.

Story originally published on Joblife.

A person's story is precious. We take storytelling seriously. Sometimes people are able to tell their own story, and we love that. We always make sure they give us their ok, and we will always honour the trust placed in us to bring their story forward.

Young People’s Employment Pathways

Young People’s Employment Pathways supports young people with disability to gain skills and experience and to find meaningful employment.

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