Life Without Barriers applauds the announcement by the Federal Government that NDIS participants will benefit from a 9 percent increase across price limits for all NDIS supports currently provided by disability support workers.

Image: NDIS Minister Bill Shorten has framed the price changes as a win for participants and providers. Picture: Elesa Kurtz.
The decision follows rigorous consideration by The Hon. Minister Bill Shorten MP, following the completion of the Annual Pricing Review.
Life Without Barriers recognises the decision by The Hon. Bill Shorten, Minister for the NDIS and Government services, that costs to provide genuine, safe, and progressive supports for people must evolve and keep pace with how people with disability want to live and pursue choices and goals.
“This is a clear indication the new Government, and particularly Minister Shorten, are listening and heading the calls from people with disability, their families and the sector that supports them.” Claire Robbs, Chief Executive, Life Without Barriers said.
“The NDIS is a better and more effective system when people with disability are influencing all aspects of the Scheme - and fair pricing has been a cause of deep concern for so many people with disability and their supporters.”
The move follows pre-election commitments by the Government to fix some of the long-standing barriers within the scheme, including funding that reflects the genuine cost to deliver supports that people with disability need.
“What we need to reflect on with this announcement is that we can realise a National Disability Insurance Scheme that delivers for people with disability, if we work together.” Said Ms Robbs.
“The increase is also a clear message that people with disability must be afforded quality and safe supports and that the scheme must be funded appropriately to ensure that.”
Life Without Barriers also acknowledges the Federal Government’s commitment to recognise the costs associated with continuity of service provision during two years of a sustained pandemic.
“We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the Australian Government, people with disability and the sector, to continue to strengthen the NDIS.” Said Ms Robbs.
Read The Hon Bill Shorten MP Media Release here.