Life Without Barriers supports the Federal Government’s announcement today to boost vaccine support for people with disability and support workers in Victoria.

Life Without Barriers particularly welcomes the new Commonwealth vaccination hub for people with disability that is open in Thomastown which supplements the state-based vaccination hubs.
Life Without Barriers supports this partnering approach with service providers to ensure the safety of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants during the current COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria.
We appreciate the Government’s announcement of a new national support payment of $150 per participant for disability providers to assist NDIS supported independent living participants eligible within Phase 1a to attend offsite locations, including Commonwealth hubs, state clinics and GPs.
Life Without Barriers is aware that vaccination saves lives and higher vaccination rates makes outbreaks much less likely. It also reduces the need for preventative measures, such as border closures and travel restrictions. Vaccination will help save lives and livelihoods.
Life Without Barriers’ essential workers have performed tirelessly over the last 18 months under difficult conditions and it is a relief to know that their health, and the health of people with disability, is being recognised.
Pictured is Brett, who Life Without Barriers supports, receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.