What is a Home Care Package?
For people needing ongoing support or multiple supports from a broad range of services, My Aged Care may assess you as eligible for the Home Care Package program.
The Home Care Package program is a coordinated package of supports tailored to you, enabling you to stay at home longer with choice and control over the support you receive to do so.
There are four levels of home care packages to help meet the different levels of care needs. There is government subsidy depending on your package/needs.
- Level 1 - Basic Care Needs
- Level 2 - Low Level Care Needs
- Level 3 - Intermediate Care Needs
- Level 4 - High Level Care Needs
Home Care Packages can provide a wide range of supports to you, including:
- Personal care supports including showering, grooming and medication support
- Support with nutrition, meal preparation and diet
- Continence Management including assessment and products
- Mobility and adaptive equipment
- Nursing care and assessment
- Allied health therapy and assessment, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy and podiatry
- Transport, either supported or through vouchers
- Help around the home including cleaning and garden maintenance
- Home maintenance and modifications
- Assistive technology and telehealth
- Community Access and Social Support including shopping and support to appointments
- Social Groups in one of our centres or out and about in the community
Am I eligible?
Home care packages are intended for people who are over 65 years of age, or 50 years of age for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. You may be eligible for a home care package if you are:
- an older person who needs coordinated services to help you to stay in your home
- a younger person with a disability, dementia or other special care needs that are not met through other specialist services (e.g. NDIS)
How much does it cost?
Our fees and charges outline some of the common services that you may want to access using your Home Care Package. If you require another service or equipment not listed in the attached, our friendly team will work with you to find the best possible options. This can include Social Support, Allied Health, Home Maintenance, Assistive Technology and other services to suit your needs.
Additional Contributions
While Home Care Packages are subsidised through the government, you may be asked to pay a contribution towards your package.
Income Tested Care Fee
When you enter into a Home Care Package, you will need to complete a formal income assessment through the Department of Human Services or Department of Veteran’s Affairs. This income assessment is used by the government to determine whether you need to pay a contribution towards your Home Care Package to the your service provider. This fee is payable for each day that you are in a Home Care Package agreement.
For more information about Income Tested Care Fees, you can access the My Aged Care website or contact one of our friendly staff to discuss the process.
Basic Daily Care Fee
The Basic Daily Care Fee is a daily fee that you can pay towards the cost of your care and supports under a Home Care Package. The maximum fee that can be charged is 17.5% of the single person aged pension payment.
Here at Life Without Barriers, we do not charge the Basic Daily Care Fee as a general rule. If you need more supports through your Home Care Package than the subsidy can provide, the Basic Daily Care may apply to top up your package funds.
Getting Started
To start using our aged care services you will need to register with My Aged Care and be assessed by their teams before choosing an aged care provider. If you have already been approved or would like help with navigating the process contact us now by phone, email or fill out our enquiry form.