For young people who are leaving care
Life Without Barriers walk alongside young people to progressively build skills for independence. Our evidence-based CARE Model reminds us to see the individual in the context of their environment and to structure developmental support at the right level so that young people can experience success. Our aim is that young people leave care connected to family and community with happy and rewarding lives ahead.
Life Without Barriers became a signatory to the Home Stretch Campaign in 2017. We work in partnership with the Children in Care Collective to lift the age of leaving care in all states and territories to 21.
Leaving care can be a difficult transition.
Our Youth Advocate Program (YAP) provides 6 months of intensive unconditional support to care leavers in NSW. Relationships between the matched Youth Advocates and the people they support are tailored to individual needs and can include:
- Transition into suitable living arrangements
- Developing pre-employment skills and finding employment
- Re-connecting with family and culture
- Building community connection and participation
- Developing and improving independent living skills
- Legal advice
“It was nice to have someone there, especially towards the end when I was freaking out the most, to have that one continuous person that was there. Normally kids don't really have that sort of support. But that's why it's good for me, I'm really happy at the moment because I have those supports.”
Next Step Plus is a program run from offices across QLD to assist young people transitioning from care up to the age of 25. Next Step After Care is for young people who have been in out of home care and who need access to practical advice and support with things like:
- Managing money and entitlements
- Housing and accommodation
- Training, jobs and preparing a resume
- Keeping safe, strong and healthy
- Relationships, including friends and family
- Legal advice
Next Step After Care services is delivered in partnership with CREATE Foundation, Uniting Care Community, YETI, South Burnett CTC and Integrated Family Youth Services, with funding from the Queensland Government.
In all states and territories, Life Without Barriers assists care leavers to access and tap into available local supports.